Friday, June 29, 2007

The Day It All Began

Monday began the week with Emma's 6th birthday.
It started out great at home with presents, etc. . .

until 10 minutes before her party, Charlie throws up! Scott ends up staying home with him. Turns out I come home from the party not feeling that great and end up in bed for two days myself. Thursday morning, Grace starts puking, but has stopped by midday, so I can go to church in the evening. I'm not there for five minutes when I get a call to come home quickly--someone has to take Charlie to the doctor . . .

Six hours later and a visit to the Urgent Care AND ER, we're home with seven stitches. Now, Emma has started puking, too. . . and it's now the wee hours of Friday morning and MY birthday! Scott ends up getting it the next night, but we power through and still leave for our vacation to Park City, Utah at 5 the next morning. I did most of the driving while Scott tried to recuperate, and we thankfully had a wonderful vacation! (We left out all the fun details that make it an even better story, but you get the picture!)
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