Wednesday, August 22, 2007

No, He Can't Fly!

I guess we should exlpain the splint. Friday night, August 17th, Charlie decided to see if he could fly. . . turns out he can't. Much to the surprise of all the older neighborhood boys surrounding him in our backyard, he still thought he might be okay if he jumped off the top of the slide on our playset. After sleeping on it and seeing him still favoring his arm the next morning, we decided that maybe we should take him to the doctor. Turns out he had broken his arm--our first broken bone of the family. Leave it to Charlie! What a rough summer--seven stitches after a big push from big sis, a corrected circumcision (we won't elaborate), one large hematoma in the neck from a monkey bars fall, and now a broken arm. Thank goodness school has started!

Doing just fine with his temporary handicap! Thankfully, it's a minor buckle fracture, so he just has a splint--no hard cast is needed.

Wiped out after a long day of two doctor's visits and a few x-rays. He konked out on the way home!

He tells everyone who asks what happened, "I jumped off, and the boys told me not to." Just like a true boy, he's proud of his battle wounds!
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First Day of Preschool

Charlie began preschool the next day, August 21st.

Posing for his first "real" first-day-of-school picture in front of the garage.

How cute is he walking up the steps to school with his big backpack?

He's not letting one arm stop him from some serious playdough creating!

The smile I saw when I picked him up! What a fun day!
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First Day of School

Grace and Emma began third and first grades, respectively on Monday, August 20th.

Posing for our first day of school with our new clothes and backpacks!

As has become tradition, our friend, Kinzi
came over for pictures and to walk to school for the first day.

"It's the MOST wonderful time of the year!" : )

Grace's teacher had her desk all prepared for her first day.
Check out her nametag in cursive!
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